【 第1回日台戦略対話における双方の発表内容 】

on Cooperation between Security and Strategy Research Institute of Japan,
SSRI and Taiwan Strategy Research Association, TSRA

Owing to enhance Japan-Taiwan security cooperation under recognition of sharing a common destiny, we both parties decide to build up the JAPAN-TAIWAN STRATEGIC DIALOGUE (hereinafter: TSD) and/or TAIWAN-JAPAN STRATEGIC DIALOGUE (hereinafter: TJSD) , and recognizing the benefits to our institutions from the establishment of links, concluding this Memorandum of Understanding (hereinafter: MoU).

1. To expand and deepen the tunnel of communication and cooperation between Japan and Taiwan strategic communities under strategic issues, both Parties recognize the JTSD and/or TJSD as a platform which is private and unofficial sector.

2. To provide important policy advice and analysis under this MoU, the Parties sugges holding activities and events periodically and non-periodically. The periodical events as followed−Different cities Japan-Taiwan Strategic Dialogue and Japan-Taiwan Strategic Report annually. The non-periodically activities as followed−Latest issues analysis, Case studies in relative issues, Researcher on sites deployed, Filed visit and study, Scholarly monographs publish, etc.

3. To deal with periodically and non-periodically items, the Principle of two Parties will oblige their members to formulate the communication window to exchange critical information and the message would like to share on the column under the website of SSRI and/or TSRA.

4. The copyrights of any co-published under this MoU belong to both Parties. The further usage of the copyrights under academically purpose (teaching, studying, publishing, policy advising and other academically method) is allowed. Both Parties agree that prior written approval is required before using the other Party’s name, logo, or other intellectual property rights in any advertising or associated publicity.

5. This MoU is valid for a period of five years from the date of signing by the authorized signatories of each Party. Each Party shall review the status of the MoU at least three months before the end of the five-year period to determine whether it wishes the MoU to continue and, if so, any modifications that might be necessary. The period of validity of this MoU may only be extended by the mutual written consent of both Parties. This MoU may, at any time during its period of validity, be terminated by one of the Parties upon prior notice to the other in writing not later than three months before the termination date.

6. The Parties may disclose certain confidential information to the other in relation to any future proposal made under this MoU. Each Party, therefore, agrees that the contents of this MoU and the negotiations in relation to any future proposal remain strictly confidential and each Party hereby undertakes not to disclose the same to any third Party without the prior written consent of the other Party.

7. This MoU may be modified if the Parties reach a consensus through consultation. Any amendment to this contract shall become effective only by a written agreement by both Parties. Parties hereto may revise or supplement through negotiation matters not mentioned herein.

Signed for and on behalf of SSRI by:
The President of SSRI, Takai Susumu(井晉)
Date 11 May 2019
Signed for and on behalf of TSRA by:
The President of TSRA, Wong Ming-Hsein(翁明賢)
Date: 11 May 2019

 ❀ LTG(R) Mochida Kazuhito 「Japan’s Defence Strategy Framework in Asia and Indo-Pacific Region」
 ❀Dr. Sekine Daisuke 「Japan’s Balancing Strategy Against China in the Indo-Pacific Region」
 ❀Dr. Ming Shih Shen 「The Relevant between Defence of Nansei Islands and the Indo-Pacific Strategy」
 ❀Dr. WONG, Ming-Hsien 「Interest and Challenges of Taiwan’s Participation into FOIP:Importance of the Taiwan-Japan Strategic Tie」